Help for VPs Membership

VP Membership Guide

An overview of the role can be found here:

District 17 – Vice President Membership Role Overview

Here are some standard emails that can help you with your follow up with guests and for new members.

VP Membership Guide

Email and links for new members

Standard email Guest follow-up

Standard email response to email enquiry



A Guide to Membership Growth & Retention

  • Membership growth and retention are critical to the continued success of our clubs.
  • Having a system in place to find, convert and retain new members leads to more efficient and effective marketing, with less wasted effort and resources.
  • Each part of the process must work effectively for clubs to grow and retain their membership.

New Member Journey – A Guide to Membership Growth & Retention

New Member Journey Checklist

Prospective Member Tracking Sheet

Club Membership

Read your “Club Leadership Handbook” which you can find online under Resources in the Toastmaster International website.

There are 3 membership drives in the Toastmaster year where you can achieve awards – they include:

  • Smedley Award (1 Aug-30 Sept)
  • Talk Up Toastmasters (1 Feb-31Mar)
  • Beat the Clock (1 May-30 Jun)

Make sure you keep your club website information up-to-date.  When a potential visitor is looking for a club, they want to see current information to make sure the club is active.

Attending COT training is also helpful because there are some great ideas that other clubs have used to increase club membership which include:

  • Run a speechcraft course which can give you access to people looking for clubs after they have finished their course
  • Bring a friend/Open House
  • Meet up
  • Facebook/Social Media
  • Flyers/Toastmaster Magazines (with contact details on magazines)
  • Local paper
  • Word of mouth
  • Pop-up meetings
  • Set-up Google Maps for your club
  • Do a Soap Box event
  • Radio Interviews
  • Little Aussie Directory
  • Shire Community Board – website

Finding-New-Members Powerpoint

Visitor Pack for Clubs

Visitors to your club are your customers and you want to give the appearance of a professionally run club and membership packs can help.  Before a visitor leaves your club, you should give them a pack and ask them for feedback on their experience at your club. Ask them to visit again and get their details via a visitor’s book so that you are able to contact them before the next meeting.

Below are possible documents you can include in your visitor’s pack and always include a recent Toastmasters magazine.  Try to have approximately 4 copies of the visitor’s pack on hand in case you have an influx of visitors.

At the end of the meeting make time to go through the visitor’s pack with the potential member and explain pathways and the benefits it brings (see flyer).

Welcome Letter

Membership Benefits

Typical Meeting Agenda

Membership Application – TI

Icebreaker Speech (first speech)


Pathways Flier GD BM Web