District Conference 2022 - Power to Connect

District Conference 2022

This Conference has now finished.


You can see photos here.


We are excited to announce this year – Power To Connect – District 17 Conference commencing on the 14th May 2022.

Members and guests this is a chance to connect with us over 3 fun filled days. A fantastic opportunity to be inspired by our prestigious keynote speakers as well as the very best speakers from our own District, as they compete to be crowned the district champion of the four district contests.

Due to the Covid situation, it has been a challenging year for all of us, we approached it with enthusiasm and passion, supported by our commitment to serve all our members.

This year's conference will be held over three fun-filled days:


Day 1 – Be inspired by the very best international and local speakers for the Keynote and Educational Workshops.


Day 2 and Day 3 – Be Entertained by the Best Speakers in our District


Day 3 – Wear your Power Smart casual dress with fellow members to enjoy an exciting evening EOY dinner packed with entertainment. Click here for more information


Let's Connect

Greeting from International President, Margaret Page

Day 1 - Saturday 14 May

We offer you the best of both worlds via our Power to Connect Online Conference. This event channels the Power to Connect right to the tech device at your fingertips, as well as stepping out in style to mingle in the real-life presence of fellow toastmasters and esteemed speakers. We have some fantastic international and local speakers connect with our District 17 members on the Day 1 of the conference.

Keynote Presentation - Charles Gates - Bring the Zing

Charles S. Gates is a high-energy, no-nonsense messaging and delivery specialist, from Virginia USA. He helps clients worldwide to bottle their points succinctly and deliver them with power and poise.

Apart from being a past Toastmasters District 66 District Director and a past Region 7 Advisor, Charles is an entrepreneur, a community activist, and a leadership and communication aficionado. He credits Toastmasters International for giving him the opportunities to appear on multiple podcasts, radio and television programs and print media platforms. Charles’ mission is to create better workplace presenters – one word at a time.

Let him dazzle you when you Zoom into his ‘Bring your Zing’ session!



Check out his Linked In profile.

Workshop 1.1 - Srinivas KM - Discover YOU with DISC

Srinivas KM is an Author, Speaker, Trainer and Consultant. He is a Certified John Maxwell Team Certified Speaker, Trainer and Coach and DISC Trainer and Youth Facilitator. He is also a Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM), Certified Virtual Presenter, and an HRDF Certified Trainer. He is presently one of only two District Directors in Toastmasters Malaysia, a position that demands good leadership competence, personal commitment, and immense passion.


Srinivas has spoken and conducted Communication and Leadership workshops at various Universities and educational platforms. He is also the National Public Speaking Champion in Toastmasters International for Malaysia, in Impromptu Speaking Contest.


Seize this opportunity as Srinivas shares with us his wealth of experience.


Check out his Linked In profile


Srinivas encourages you to undertake the DISC assessment here before you attend his workshop.

Workshop 1.2 - CJ Marks - Talking Taboo-Getting Comfortable with the Uncomfortable

Californian-born C.J. has been in education for over twenty years. He resides in Japan, and is currently teaching at a private university in the Kobe area. C.J. is also a presentation coach, working with young learners and adults alike to improve their confidence and presentation skills. Working as a TEDx Presentation Coach, C.J. not only coaches individual TEDx speakers, but trains entire TEDx speaker teams.


A Toastmaster since 2017, he has competed in the International Speech Contest, and in 2018 (ten months after joining Toastmasters), placed third in the District Contest. C.J. is also an organizer with the PechaKucha Nishinomiya team.


Settle in and get comfortable as C.J. shares with us his tips on Talking Taboo



Check out his Linked In profile.

Workshop 2.1 - Lisa Evans - Stand Out Personal Brand

Lisa Evans (MBA) helps business leaders to communicate with influence. She is the Director of Speaking Savvy and The Soft Skills Academy.

Lisa has a wealth of accolades and experience both in the professional and entertainment world: She is a Certified Public Speaking and Storytelling Coach, Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), Certified Nero Coach and NLP Practitioner, TEDx Speaker Coach, Improv Actor, Radio Show Host on 89.7 FM Perth, and host of the Business Chat Podcast. She is also a Board Director of Professional Speakers Australia.


She shares with us an aspect of her success, about creating a memorable Personal Brand. Uncover your articulate, authentic self in this session – your YOU-uniqueness.


Check out her Linked In profile.

Workshop 2.2 - Fursey Gotuaco - Connection Online Through Body Language

Fursey is a lifelong educator who brings passion to every speech or presentation.


His education includes a BFA and MFA in Fine Arts from the University of Texas in Austin and a Masters in Educational Administration from Lamar State University.


Fursey’s journey has taken him on multicultural trips around the world including a 3-year stay in Shanghai where he taught Shakespeare to students from around the world.  He has worked extensively with students of all ages ranging from kindergarten to university creating workshops and presentations that capture the imagination of all participants.  His experience teaching speech and theatre for over 25 years gives him incredible insight into weaving curriculum, story, and inspiring messages into entertaining presentations dotted with humour and passion




Check out Fursey's Linked In profile.

District 17 Council Meeting - 1.00 pm start

Day 2 - Sunday 15 May

Humorous Speech Contest

Meet the contestants representing each Division

David Arkell, Inner City

Kym Godfrey, Northern

Rosa Cummins, Western

Patricia Ong, Central

Bandula Rodrigo, Southern

Gladys Lavell. Eastern

Speech Evaluation Contest

Meet the contestants representing each Division

John Bethell, Inner City

Kym Godfrey, Northern

Betty Zhang, Western

Maree Pickens, Central

Morrie Goodz, Southern

Sue Fielding. Eastern

Day 3 - Saturday 21 May

International Speech Contest

Meet the contestants representing each Division

Olia Kolokolova, Inner City

Kym Godfrey, Northern

William Morgan, Western

Raj Naidu, Central

Katrina Pereira, Southern

Sue Fielding. Eastern

Table Topics Contest

Meet the contestants representing each Division

Juliana Kelly, Inner City

Abbey Dunne, Northern

David Muwandi, Western

Glen Lewis, Central

Graham Watson, Southern

Sun Ngamwisetkun, Eastern

Power to Connect Dinner

Power to Connect EOY Dinner
Presentation of DTM Medals
Keynote Speaker
Toastmaster of the Year Award
Live Performance
Dancing with band


Doors open 6:15 pm

Dinner served 7:10 pm


Click below to purchase tickets for the Power to Connect EOY Dinner 2022.

Seats are limited, book now to avoid disappointment

Sales end 13/05/2022

Conference Organising Committee

Power To Connect Conference 2022 proudly hosted by CPA Toastmasters

Conference Chair - Peggy Leung

I joined Toastmasters in 2014. My first club was CPA Toastmasters. Over the years I have performed many leadership roles and the role of Conference Chair has been the most rewarding experience I have ever come across in my Toastmasters journey.

It a privilege and honour to be the conference chair and together with a group of young and enthusiastic committee members I am delighted to be able to present to you a conference you will never forget.

My committee and I had overcome numerous challenges, but we are still able to produce a quality conference that you will not be disappointed with. I'd like to thank my conference committee from CPA Toastmasters for their efforts and commitment. Your dedication to this conference is muchly appreciated.

I acknowledge the following Toastmasters for their support and guidance ensuring that we bring to you this wonderful conference.

Tim Blackburn DTM

Julie Dall DTM

Gavin Hyslop DTM

Henry Yau DTM

Suozy Theophilopoulos

Tom Bielski DTM

Cherie Wallace DTM

Maree Pickens DTM

Juliana Kelly

People in Toastmasters Peggy Leung

Yating Mei

yating Mei

I was recommended by my mentor to join Toastmasters. I joined the CPA Toastmasters club in 2014. Toastmasters has given me many wonderful benefits such as personal development and friendship; it has helped me become more confident and to better myself.

It has been a great pleasure being involved in the conference this year and leading the organisation of the EOY dinner.  I have enjoyed this pleasant journey with support from my excellent team.

Patricia Ong

Patricia Ong, CPA works as the Senior Tax Accountant at Tokyo Gas Australia.

She attended her first meeting as a guest at CPA Toastmasters in October 2020. During the meeting, she heard a humorous speech and laughed until she cried. That made her decide to sign-up to be a Toastmasters member.

With the support and encouragement of club members, Patricia has developed better communication skills and has grown in self-confidence. She is a contestant in this year’s District Humorous Speech contest and is also a member of the EOY dinner committee.

Patricia believes that her involvement in Toastmasters has led to incredible personal growth and has given her the opportunity to interact and work with many remarkable people. She hopes to continue her journey with Toastmasters for many years more.

Patricia Ong

Dan Franks

Finance Manager Dan Franks

Dan has been a contributing member of CPA Toastmasters club for about three years after being invited by a good mate to check it out.

Since joining, he has enjoyed the personal and professional development that Toastmasters offers, and has stayed because of the amazing people he has met along the way.

Krishna Sharma

As current President of CPA Toastmaster, it is my pleasure to see that CPA Toastmasters Club is hosting the District 17 conference on its 10th anniversary, and I am involved to be a part of the conference organising committee.
I joined toastmaster in 2015 and since then have taken up various leadership roles. I have enjoyed my overall development journey.

Ajith Gunasekera

Ajith Gunasekera

Ajith Gunasekera